Sl NoName and DesignationDepartment
1Pu Lalmalsawma, IAS
Chief' Secretary/Chief Vigilance Officer
1.Finance including Taxation
2.Political & Cabinet
2Pu _ Fanai, IAS
1. Health and Family Welfare
2. Home
3Pu Zothankhuma,IAS
1. Disaster Management and Rehabilitation
2. General Administration
4Pu Lalhmingthanga,IAS
1. Agriculture
2. Horticulture
3. Rural Development
5Pu RodneyL.Ralte, IAS
1. District Council & Minority Affairs
2. Local Administration
6Pu Biaktluanga, IAS
1. Secretary to Governor
2. Information & Public Relations
7Pu V. Lalremthanga,IAS
1. Personnel & Administrative Reforms
2. PHE
3. Tourism
8Pu P.Lalchhuanga,IAS
1. School Education
2. Social Welfare
9Pu Lalthangpuia Sailo, IAS
1. Secretariat Administration
2. Transport
10Pu H.L.Rochungnunga, IAS
1. Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs
2. Sports & Youth Services
11Pu H. Lalengmawia, IAS
1. Minor Irrigation
2. Power & Electricity
12Pu Sangdingliana, IAS
1. Cooperation
2. Soil & Water Conservation
13.Pu S.B. Shashank, IAS
Chief Electoral Officer
Secretary, Election
16Pu Lalramthanga.,IFS
Principal Secretary to Chief Minister and PCCF
1. Environment, Forest & Climate Change
2. Public: Works
15Pu Benjamin, IDAS
1. Higher and Technical Education
3. Labour, Employment & Industrial Training
16Pu Zothan Khuma.,ITS
1. Commerce & Industries
2. Managing Director, ZIDCO
17Dr. C.Vanlalramsanga, IES
1. Planning & Programme Implementation
2 UD & PA
18Pu K. Rohmingthanga, MCS
Printing and Stationery
19Pu Thlamuana, MCS
1. Fisheries
2. Sericulture
20Pu R. Lalramnghaka, MCS
Land Revenue & Settlement
21Pu Lalmalsawma, MFAS
1. Finance
2. Excise & Narcotics
22 Er. R. Lalfanliana, MES
Information & Communication Technology
23 Pi Marli Vankung, MJS
1. Law & Judicial
2. Parliamentary Affairs
24Pi Thanhliri Pachuau, MSS
Art & Culture
25Pu B. _, MSS
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Sl NoName and DesignationDepartment
1Pu Lalmalsawma, IASChief Secretary/ChiefVigilance OfficerPolitical and Cabinet
2Pi Renu Sharma, IAS Principal Secretary1. General Administration2. Home
3Pi Manisha Saxena, IAS Chief Electoral OfficerChief Electoral Officer
4Pu K.Lalnghinglova, IAS Commissioner/Secretary1. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary2. Higher and TechnicalEducation
5Pu _ Fanai, IAS Commissioner/Secretary1. Health and Family Welfare2. Secretariat Administration
6Pu Zothankhuma,IAS Secretary1. Disaster Management and Rehabilitation2. Land Revenue and Settlement
7Pu Lalhmingthanga,IAS Secretary1. Agriculture2. Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs3. Rural Development
8Pu RodneyL.Ralte, IAS SecretarySecretary to Governor
9Pu V. Lalremthanga,IAS Secretaryl. Personnel and AdministrativeReforms2. Labour, Employment & Industrial Training3. Tourism
10Pu P.Lalchhuanga,IAS Secretary1. School Education2. Vizilance
11Pu Lalthangpuia Sailo, IAS Secretary1. Cooperation2. Social Welfare
12Pu H.L.Rochungnunga, IAS Secretary1. Sports and Youth Services2. Managing Director, MIFCO
13Pu Lalramthanga.,IFS Principal Secretary and PCCF1. Chief Minister's Office2. Environmentand Forests3. Public: Works
14Pu Rajiv Kumar Gupta, IFS Commissioner/Secretary1. Power and Electricity2. Minor Irrigation
15Pi L.N Tochhawng , ICAS Commissioner/Secretary1. Finance2. Taxation
16Pu Zothan K.huma.,ITS Commissioner/Secretary1. Industries2. Trade and Commerce
17Pu C. Lalhmachhuana,ITS Secretarv1. Information& CommunicationTechnology2. Managing Director, ZIDCO
18Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga.,IES Secretary1. Planning & Programme Implementation2. Public Health Engineering3. Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation
19Pu B. Lalhmingthanga., MCSSecretaryHorticulture
20Pu C. Thatkunga, MCS Secretary1. District Council Affairs2. Local Administration
21Pu K. Rohmingthanga, MCS SecretaryPrinting & Stationeries
22Pu Thlamuana, MCS Secretary1. Fisheries2. Sericulture
23Pu R. Thanga, MJS Secretary1. Law and Judicial2. Parliamentary Affairs
24Pu Lalropara, MF AS Secretary1. Finance2. Taxation
25Er. R. Lalfanliana, MES SecretarySoil and Water Conservation
26Pi Thanhliri Pachuau, MSS SecretaryArt and Culture
27Pu B. _, MSS SecretaryInformation and Public Relations
28Pu Ashish Madhaorao More, IASSpecial Secretary1. Disaster Management & Rehabilitation2. Excise & Narcotics (Independent charge)
29Dr. Franklin Laltinkhuma, IASSpecial SecretaryI. Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs2. Transport (Independent charge)
30Pi Arti Lal, IASSpecial SecretarvEnvironment & Forests